Our group focuses on the development and application of statistical methods and computational tools for high-dimensional "omics" data, arising from modern high-throughput technologies. Our current research interests include developing novel methods for integrating functional information in genetic association studies, meta-analysis for sequencing studies, and analysis of microbiome & metagenomic data.
01/12/2025 Qilin (Kirin) Hong won Early Career Award by ASA Section on Statistics in Epidemiology for his paper, "A marginal regression model for longitudinal compositional counts with application to microbiome data". Congrats, Kirin!
05/27/2024 Zhoujingpeng Wei won NESS Student Paper Awards. Congrats, Weizhou!
03/15/2023 Our PhyloMed paper has been accepted in Genome Biology. Good job, Kirin! PhyloMed is a method for microbiome mediation analysis. The method is implemented in the miMediation R package.
02/22/2023 Our MTAGEI paper has been accepted in Biostatistics. MTAGEI is a method for multi-trait analysis of gene-by-environment interactions in large-scale genetic studies. The R package is here.
10/05/2022 Our team won Task 1 of the Preterm Birth Prediction - Microbiome DREAM Challenge. Congrats to Jifan (PI: Guanhua Chen) and Zhoujingpeng!
09/01/2021 We received funds from NSF (PI: Guanhua Chen) to develop methods for microbiome data.
08/20/2020 We received an R01 from NIGMS to develop methods for microbiome data. Looking forward to the fun research ahead of us!
07/27/2020 Our PSCAN paper has been accepted in Genome Biology. PSCAN is a protein-structure-guided scan method for testing gene-level associations and identifying risk variants on the protein space, available here.
05/09/2020 Lan's MTAR paper has been accepted in Nature Communications. Good job, Lan! MTAR is a method for multi-trait analysis of rare-variant association studies, available at: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MTAR.
02/27/2020 Lan Luo won ENAR and ASA Distinguished Student Paper Awards. Congrats, Lan!